
Friday 17 February 2012

Diesel Loves Nature

Diesel is an interesting brand which attracted a lot of attention through its bizarre Advertising campaigns. Here with its 'Love Nature while it lasts' campaign where Diesel encourages us all to love nature...

The campaign set in the Garden of Eden brought the user up close and personal to the Diesel nature scene, focusing in detail on each individual model and how they are intimately interacting with their natural environment.

This campaign borrows "fruitfully" from Hieronymous Bosch's well-known painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights". Scholars have suggested that Bosch's painting is a depiction of the Garden of Eden had the fall of Adam and Eve never happened — and the ensuing chaotic debauchery; unbridled lust as man's downfall. Diesel's point of view is that their brand is an oasis of sexual expression — wardrobe malfunction be damned — where all breasts should feel free to escape.

Diesel encourages us all to love nature while it lasts, and we're not sure if that means we should buy their clothes, but we still like the project. Nature. Love it while it lasts. Unconventionally gorgeous!

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