
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Creative Art with Vegetable

The Kiss
Using vegetables of all shapes and sizes, Chinese artist, Ju Duoqi, recreates famous masterpieces, like The Last Supper, or Mona Lisa. She used rotting ketchup for blood, potatoes as soldiers and rotting vegetables as background. It’s amazing what creative minds can come up with!

The Third of May 2008

Liberty Leading the Vegetables
Van Gogh made of Leek
The Raft of the Lotus Roots
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Pickled Cabbage
The Birth of the Radish
The Scream of the Sweet Potatoes
Napoleon on Potatoes
Mona tofu
Cabbage Monroe

The following artworks are part of Ju Duoqi’s ‘Fantasies of Chinese Cabbage’ series.

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